Youth Programs
AIWCC offers support to youth new to Canada and Alberta through mentorship services, after-school programs, summer camps, and support in transitioning from high school to college or university. These programs are designed for all newcomer youth clients.
After School Program
This after-school program has many activities for youth during the school year that help build personal skills and promote healthy living. Counselling and mentoring services will help youth find their first jobs, have fun with arts and crafts, and feel supported.
High School to University Transition
This program gives newcomer high school students the opportunity to work with local university students to help them with the transition from high school to university. Learn how to apply to university, receive student loans, and be prepared for the first year.
Horumar Summer Day Camp
This is a summer school program in July that helps youth prepare for the upcoming school year and improve their learning over the summer break.
Mentorship and Leadership
This program helps newcomers aged 7-18 years old build leadership skills and meet new people.
Youth Night
Youth Night is a way for kids to get together and have fun with indoor physical activities that help them connect with other kids in the community.
Youth Skills and Development
Coming Soon…