Alberta Immigrant Women & Children Centre

Empowering immigrant women and families with relevant and inclusive programs and services that meet their needs.

Alberta Immigrant Women & Children Centre

Empowering immigrant women and families with relevant and inclusive programs and services that meet their needs.

How We Help

Our Programs & Services are designed to help immigrant women and children succeed

Employment Programs

Looking to work? Great! AIWCC is here to help you understand how to find work and support your family with a job that fulfills you!

Language Programs

Support to those that need help with the basics of the English language, Canadian culture, finances, and computer skills.

Settlement Programs

Get help with employment insurance benefits, child and tax benefits, housing support, government documents support, and much more.

Women Empowerment

Join us for many different kinds of workshops related to cooking, domestic violence, women’s health, and equality that help women.

Youth Programs

Mentorship services, after-school programs, summer camps, and support in transitioning from high school to college or university.

AIWCC Services

We offer a list of services that are available to help you better settle into your community. AIWCC is here to help you no matter your current situation.

Children Served
Women Served
Men Served
Volunteer Hours

Calendar Of Events​

Get involved in our community! We have a long list of great events that you can participate in, meet new people, and grow in your local community! 


Empowering immigrant women and families. Providing relevant and inclusive frontline services that meet the specific needs of immigrant women and families. Always acting with integrity and being transparent and accountable to those we serve. A collaborative approach to meeting our clients’ needs. 

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